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Why Software Testing is Important for Startups?

By October 19, 2018June 20th, 2024No Comments4 min read
Why Software Testing is Important for Startups?

New startups appear almost every day. Many of them just concentrate on the development process and avoid the testing phase. By the way, Why Software Testing is important? and what is the importance of software testing services? Is not it easier to create software without errors and defects from the very beginning?

Anyone, even the most experienced and highly paid programmer will answer this question negatively. And without hesitation. And there are absolutely objective reasons for that.

What is Software Testing and its Purpose in Tech Startups? 

In the industry of startups, the Proper role of Software Testing helps us in delivering quality and well-formatted business applications or products and achieving the specific customer’s requirements. The purpose and goals of QA testing services are clear to deliver a quality product that works as per the customer’s specifications.

There are various important reasons to perform software testing but, Here are some points that explain the purpose and value of software testing.

  • To reduce the number of future risks 
  • Achieve the highest level of quality
  • To fulfill the right requirements and maintain the industry standards
  • To gain customer satisfaction and trust 
  • To overcome the product mistakes before its launch 

What Software Testing Services should not be Avoid by the Startups?

In Today’s Digital World Software Testing is not just finding application errors it can come with massive benefits for Tech startups. There are some important types of software testing services that can offer a great customer experience and produce a trustworthy application.

  • Exploratory Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Security Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Test Regression 

More Reading:  Different Types of Software Testing in 2021 That Create Huge Impact on Your Business Revenue

Why Software Testing is Important for New Startups in 2022

1. Errors and defects is a natural part of the development process. By adding new functionality, the programmer cannot always foresee how it will affect the behavior of existing tools.

2. Some people support the idea that everyone should check their own work. That is, if the developer has created a new functionality, he should check whether it meets the user’s expectations. But there is one nuance. The developer has the task to find an opportunity to fix something. In his turn, the tester has to break something. The developer knows how the code works and tests its features accordingly. He cannot criticize his own product, just as an artist cannot criticize his painting or sculpture. The tester also purposefully searches for bugs and possible problems in the system, so that they cannot be found by a potential customer or, say, an ill-wisher.

3. Expensive and long. The wise manager is well aware that performing a large number of tasks in a short time requires a separation of functions. And this means that as long as the tester provides comprehensive software testing, the developer can spend his precious time creating new functionality.

To be fair, we note that there are various methods for testing software the developer directly participates in. A small example. One of the specific ways of creating applications on Ruby on Rails is development through testing.

This approach is fundamentally different from traditional programming methods when the testing follows code writing. In this case, the initial stage of product development includes so-called test cases. And only then the programmer’s ideas are implemented.

The developer’s goal is to write the code to pass the test case. This approach allows concentrating on solving the tasks and provides a minimal amount of code. As a result, the developers’ time and the customers’ money of our being saved.

However, the final step of the development cycle is still automatic or manual testing. As you can see, you cannot get rid of it.


For startups, Quality Assurance (QA) testing is often perceived as an additional expense. However, it plays a crucial role in ensuring security and performance, preemptively addressing potential issues before they escalate. Addressing product issues during the design or development phase is far more manageable than tackling urgent problems post-release.

Furthermore, some errors are irreparable, such as the loss of customer trust, posing a significant risk to a company’s reputation. Hence, meticulous attention to detail is essential when creating any software product to avoid future complications that could tarnish client impressions.

To mitigate these risks and ensure a seamless user experience, startups should prioritize QA testing. By investing in thorough testing processes, they can safeguard their reputation, retain customer confidence, and ultimately enhance their market competitiveness. Looking to avoid software or product errors? Hire a QA Tester today!


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