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10 Best Mobile App Testing Practices

By April 30, 2019July 3rd, 2024No Comments3 min read
10 Best Mobile App Testing Practices

Customers are undoubtedly the lifeline of every business. They would never forget the undesirable taste of low or poor quality. That being said, what can taste more terrible than an inefficient application? So Mobile Application testing best practices become the heart of any application

A mobile app that does not propel users can taint the reputation of your business easily. That being said, IT firms and businesses are investing a justifiable share of their effort and time in app testing processes.

But, are you following the best practices for testing mobile applications? Here are some of the top and most effective mobile test automation best practices that can ensure the success of your mobile app and help you stay abreast of today’s competitive market. However, before discussing that, let us check the benefits of mobile app testing.

What are the Advantages of Mobile app testing? 

  • App Testing helps in improving the quality
  • It saves money and time
  • App Testing ensures software success in the market
  • Attract More Visitors
  • Increased Efficiency

What Are The QA Best Practices for Mobile App Testing?

As per different varieties in devices, networks, and operation systems mobile application testing also changes and becomes more challenging, So while doing mobile application testing there are multiple things you have to keep in mind like mobile app testing tools, news updates, techniques, applications change, etc. One of which is the mobile application testing practices; it is essential to conduct app testing in the right way so what is your plan to test your mobile app? don’t worry, here are the Top 10 best practices of mobile application testing  that every app tester should follow:

  1. Start your mobile app testing process by building a robust testing strategy that can be the backbone of your tests.
  2. Make use of real devices frequently in your test process.
  3. It is essential to test your application in multiple languages when your targeted market tends to span across the world.
  4. Service interruptions can result in hardware failure which can lead to an undesirable user experience. Hence, check interoperability, battery consumption, and fault tolerance
  5. Your end-users want security first. So, make sure you follow the best mobile app security testing practices to conduct high-end security testing. Application security best practices will help ensure the security of your user data is strengthened and maintained.
  6. Begin testing once the development reaches a logical phase. This will help you in detecting problems early when they can be fixed cost-effectively.  
  7. Consider automating your test processes. It will help you in saving a lot of time and effort.
  8. Do not automate everything. Leave the scope for manual testing wherever required. Remember that test automation is just an addition to manual testing and not a replacement.
  9. Set the operating system and device preference. Testing on all the network, device and operating system combinations may not be virtually possible. Identify which operating system and devices your application would specifically address and conduct testing on them.
  10. Conduct stress and Performance Tests. Performance and stress testing help in making your application robust and preventing financial liabilities that can arise from customer distress.  

Wrapping Up

Mobile application testing isn’t only a small stage of the application development process. It is rather a roadmap for the success of the application. With quality-rich application testing, you can eliminate many potential issues that your application might face in the future.

When it comes to app testing, you need to have a solid and powerful testing strategy. Furthermore, make sure that you are using the best tools and techniques in the process. The above-mentioned QA Best Practices will help you in ensuring that you release a top-notch product to the market.

For a High-quality mobile application testing strategy get in touch with leading QA Company, and hire Tester Today!

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