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Top Five Must-Have Qualities/Skills of QA Experts

By October 1, 2019July 3rd, 2024No Comments4 min read
Top Five Must-Have Qualities/Skills of QA Experts

A software tester is one of the most popular fields of the job when it comes to IT. Moreover, the immense growth of the IT sector worldwide has contributed a lot to this post. Now, in this fast-growing and competitive IT industry, every company wants its product to be the so-called “The Best”. In order to design even a good product, the company needs a skilled candidate to hire a QA tester. and hire only the best tester So, If you are wondering to know how to be a good QA?  Then In this article, we will discuss some software quality assurance skills of a good QA tester.

What are the Top Skills of Quality Assurance(QA) Specialists?

Different and unique qualities are the strengths of a software tester that makes them good QA tester. As per the demand of the quality product, QA testing engineer are the incredibly important part development process So here we listed the top QA skills of a good software tester to be a good and unique QA engineer .


In these days, with many people having the same insight of a concept and following the same traditional approach to deal with problems, it is really important to think out of the box. That’s why in the list of QA engineer skills Creativity is always at the top. creativity enables software testers to think of a critical situation that may arise in the future. A creative mind gives testers the ability to test beyond only what is provided in the requirements. It helps the tester to forecast all possible ways the user might interact with the application.


A good tester shall never believe that the build provided by developers is bug-free. They should always question the application’s behaviour and understand the detail in order to find all the possible bugs in the software. Also, a good test should never blindly believe anyone no matter what designation they hold.

3.Perspective vision

This ability enables the tester to think from the point of view of an end-user. This ability is the key to ultimate end-user satisfaction. Now let me make it clear with an example. I developed a bilingual news application. The application provided news in both languages, obviously. But, I made a mistake in the build. I prompted the user to choose a language from the two. In that prompt, I meant the language in which you want to see the menu options. But, right after selecting it, my program displayed news in both languages. This is where the problem was. The users wanted to see the news in only one language after choosing their preferred one. But, for me, the language option was only valid for the menu options not for the news feeds. This caused a lot of user dissatisfaction. About 80% of users who downloaded my application deleted it within a day. After figuring it out, user retention increased drastically. This is why perspective vision is important. It will increase the efficiency a lot.


Yes. As a top tester, stubbornness is a must-have quality. Sometimes, there are some over-optimistic members in the team who ignore some bugs that don’t seem important to them. In this case, the tester needs to be stubborn in order to clear all the problems in the software. Moreover, great testers are patient enough to find as many bugs as they can. They never give up. They understand that no build is perfect enough to be with absolutely zero bugs. Also, they make sure that all the bugs they found are reproduced and reported so that they can be rectified by the developers.

5.Amazing communication skills

This may sound against the stubbornness. But, in the case of a software tester, these qualities actually work hand in hand. Stubbornness without good communication skills can get a software tester nowhere. When I say communication skills, it means the use of good diplomacy. Now, while reporting bugs to the developers, there is a very good chance of ego collision. This may disrupt the interaction and ruin all the efforts of both sides. Well, this is more psychological than technical. So, it must be taken care of. This will make the conversation smooth and finally your work easier.


Coming to the conclusion, these were the basic qualities that a great tester must-have. These QA tester skills will make his/her work smooth.  

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