One of the main purposes of Software Testing is load testing, which is a type of check that is ignored by some companies. Load testing service is a complicated process that needs the undivided attention of quality assurance personnel while the test is being carried out. This technique involves tests on the software by simulating multiple users accessing the software simultaneously. Developers looking to develop a robust application that can be used by many users at the same time cannot skip load testing.
Application testing refers to the analysis of application performance or both front-end and back-end functionalities along with load testing. It involves a set of activities through manual or automation or both scripts which aim to unveil bugs or faults in the software testing company application. It covers the entire end-to-end functional testing of software testing company applications. Such type of QA testing helps the team to evaluate and enhance the software quality and at the same time, it reduces the software development and testing costs to the company. It is commonly believed that the earlier a defect is found, the cheaper it is to fix it. There are many approaches to application testing. Reviews, walkthroughs, or inspections are considered static testing, whereas actually executing programmed code with a given set of test cases is referred to as dynamic testing.
Learn How to Test Web Application With QA Test Methodologies
The following are the different types of software testing methodologies that can be used to ensure the required level of testing depending on the application type. Let’s explore top QA methodologies so you can develop a test plan for web applications.
1.Functional Testing or Dark box Testing
The output result is matched with the expected result for the given set of inputs. In this type of testing service since the Hire software tester has no knowledge of the code, therefore, it is known as Black Box testing service. Black box testing service is often used for functional testing, non-functional testing, and regression testing. Black box testing service can further follow the testing strategies such as equivalence class approach, boundary value approach, decision table approach, and state transition tables approach.
2.White Box Testing or Unit Testing
In white-box testing, the software tester has knowledge of the code. Such kind of testing is often done by the developers immediately after they complete coding for any application module. White box testing can further follow the testing strategies such as code coverage analysis, path coverage, dead code analysis, code duplication analysis, infinite loop analysis, etc.
3.Grey Box Testing
The term grey box testing refers to the mixed kind of testing between black-box testing service and white box testing service. Here, the software tester can adopt mixed strategies involving both black boxes as well as white box testing strategies.
4.Application Testing Service Tools
There are lots of applications testing tools available in the market today to prepare test plans for a web applications but the best application testing companies are solely based on functional and resourceful testing. The most important concept in the ‘Application Testing service’ is functional testing and they operate with a standardized list of fundamental features and procedures that provide an effective ‘Functional Testing service’ model.
- Record and Play
- Parameterized the Values
- Script Editor
- Run (the test or script, with debug and update modes)
- Report on Run session
Different vendors provide some specific features that make their products unique to other competitor products. But the five features listed above are the most common and can be found in almost all the functional testing tools. Following is the list of a few widely used Functional Testing tools.
- HP QTP (Quick Test Professional)
- Selenium
- IBM Rational Robot
- Test Complete
- Push to Test
Read also: Topmost recommended web application testing tools of the year
What are the Best QA Practices?
I think hundreds of articles are available about this on the internet. Every article suggests a different number of best practices ranging from 7 to 30 (that I have seen so far). However, I have just 5 tips for readers.
- Plan Properly
- Test Keenly
- Log the bugs Clearly
- Do the Regression Test Efficiently
- Improve the above four skills Continuously
Also, you should order the test cases well and cover the main business flows first
Read also: Top Web application Testing Checklist
Standardized Web Application Test Plan
For any activity, some planning is always required and the same is true for test plans in software testing. Without a proper test plan document, there is always a high risk of getting distracted during the testing. If this risk becomes a fact, the results could be horrible.
What are the Key Elements of a Test Plan?
To learn How to Test web applications, it is important to work on an effective Test Plan. We can write a good test plan by following the below steps
A. Scope
- Overview of AUT
- Features (or areas) to be tested
- Exclusions (features or areas not to be tested) with reason
- Dependencies (of testing activities on each other, if any)
B. Objectives
This section describes the goals of testing activity e.g. validation of bug fixes, new features added or revamp of AUT, etc.
C. Focus
This section describes what aspect of application will be included in the testing e.g. security, functionality, usability, reliability, performance or efficiency, etc.
D. Approach
This is the most important part of the test strategy document. This section describes what testing methodology will be adopted for which areas of AUT. For example, in the STP of an ERP application; the approach section may contain the information that black box testing will be the approach for payroll. On the other hand, for reports, the approach will be grey box testing.
E. Schedule
This section describes who will be doing what, where, when, and how on the AUT. The schedule section is, in fact, a ‘4Ws and 1H’ of the STP. Normally, the schedule is prepared as a simple table, but every organization may have its own customized format according to its own needs.
Once the test plan is ready and the application is under development, testers do design and document the test cases. In the “Application Testing – Methodologies” section above, I have listed the TC design techniques.
We hope you understand How to Test web applications. On a concluding note, application testing is a vast domain, and anybody – either a developer or establishment who is looking forward to deeply examining and subjecting their applications to thorough tests should contact the professionals in this domain.