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Case Study

Testrig empowered UK-Based Marketing and Brand Consultancy through Robust Automation Testing

By June 21, 2023July 20th, 2023No Comments4 min read

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    Industry: Marketing and Brand Consultancy
    Location: UK

    Client Overview:

    Our esteemed client is a renowned marketing and brand consultancy firm based in the UK. They leverage proprietary market research and advertising solutions rooted in behavioral science principles. By measuring emotions and crafting entertaining ads, they help brands grow and achieve commercial success.


    • Multiple Modules: The client’s product consisted of several modules, requiring comprehensive end-to-end testing across UI, API, and Database components.
    • Testing Volume: The client faced the challenge of testing a large number of test cases, necessitating meticulous updates and verification to ensure accuracy and reliability.
    • Testing Complex Reports: The client encountered the difficulty of testing extensive reports, including their content on the UI, in relation to the underlying Database and API.
    • Framework Requirement: To address these challenges effectively, the client sought a robust and efficient framework capable of handling their testing requirements seamlessly.

    Tools Used

    • Selenium with C#: Our team utilized Selenium WebDriver libraries and wrote test scripts in C# to execute efficient and scalable automation testing.
    • Azure DevOps: We leveraged Azure DevOps for project management, enabling us to track work, manage code, run builds, deploy applications, and execute tests seamlessly.
    • Git: We implemented Git for version control, ensuring smooth collaboration and efficient code management.
    • Visual Studio: Our team utilized Visual Studio as the integrated development environment (IDE) for writing Selenium tests, enhancing productivity and code quality.
    • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: To verify database tests, we ran queries using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the database.
    • Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer: We utilized this tool to seamlessly interact with Azure cloud storage, accessing files and folders for testing purposes.
    • Postman: To validate API responses and test various API-related scenarios, we utilized Postman, ensuring robustness and reliability.
    • Swagger: We employed Swagger to inspect API structure and documentation, executing them to verify responses and ensure API functionality.


    Our engagement with the client unfolded in three distinct phases, each addressing specific challenges and delivering tangible results:

    Phase 1:

    • Test Case Migration and Adoption of BDD Format Initially, the client’s test cases were documented in JIRA using a traditional format that proved challenging to maintain.
    • To streamline the process, we migrated all test cases from JIRA to Azure and rewrote them in Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) format, specifically Gherkin. This plain English format made the test cases easily understandable to all stakeholders.
    • The tests were structured following the Given, When, Then pattern, encompassing UI, API, and database testing.

    Phase 2:

    • Automation of BDD Test Cases We automated the BDD test cases using Selenium with C# and integrated the Cucumber plugin for streamlined BDD test execution.
    • By automating UI, API, and database tests within a unified framework, we enabled the creation of regression and smoke test suites.
    • These automated test suites ran daily, efficiently detecting regression bugs at the earliest stages, reducing release-related issues.

    Phase 3:

    • Test-Driven Development (TDD) Implementation To optimize the software development life cycle, we introduced Test-Driven Development (TDD) principles.
    • For every new feature, our team followed TDD, writing test cases based on user stories before the actual development process began.
    • Developers adhered to these test cases during feature development, and upon completion, they ran the tests. If any test failed, collaboration between the development and testing teams ensured prompt bug identification and resolution.

    Key Benefits:

    Our partnership with the client yielded numerous advantages, including:

    • Automation Framework in Selenium with C#: We delivered a robust automation framework leveraging Selenium with C# and BDD cucumber, enabling comprehensive UI, API, and database testing.
    • Enhanced Data Integrity: By implementing API and database testing, we significantly reduced the likelihood of data-related issues across various environments.
    • Comprehensive Test Coverage: Our automation suite covered approximately 90% of the test scenarios, ensuring thorough and reliable testing.
    • Reduced Regression Bugs: The implementation of automation and regular test suite runs resulted in a notable reduction in regression bugs during the release period.
    • Early Bug Identification: Through the adoption of TDD principles, we proactively identified and addressed bugs and defects during the development phase, minimizing downstream issues.

    At Testrig, we are dedicated to provide top-notch automation testing services to our customers. Our expertise and advanced tools enable businesses to enhance their product quality, improve efficiency, and achieve their desired market outcomes. Partner with us to transform your testing processes and drive success.

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